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Danmark Bantay

Director of Sales and Education

Danmark is the magic behind the sales floor, infusing every engagement with a blend of people skills, art of selling, and business strategy that captivates both retailers and customers alike. With his experience in developing and leading retail sales teams, Danmark’s operational excellence and magnetic personality set him apart. His keen social-emotional intelligence and growth mindset enable him to build strong, lasting relationships and adapt swiftly to the ever-evolving retail landscape.

A true eventing mastermind, Danmark keeps a pulse on the market and the customer to create experiences that move the needle. His knack for planning and executing a holistic education and in-store sales strategy drive brand awareness, revenue, and ongoing partnership for emerging brands.

Fun Facts: Avid tennis fan, Gucci and Louis Vuitton always, up for any beauty treatment, dedicated uncle

“Danmark is wonderful to work with. When he is on your account, you can be 100% confident that your brand will hit the best possible performance.”

Helina Fan, Founder